Rightsizing for Seniors: A Guide to Simple Downsizing

Older couple discusses benefits of downsizing and rightsizing

As we get older and children move out, it’s essential to know when it’s time to simplify your life so that you can enjoy retirement and focus on the important things. You may no longer want to worry about mowing the lawn, cleaning gutters, or vacuuming a large house. If you’re ready to reduce stressors in your life, discover how downsizing can launch you into an easier retirement.

What Are the Differences Between Rightsizing and Downsizing?

You may already be asking what the differences between rightsizing and downsizing are, which is a great question. They refer to the same concept; however, rightsizing is typically the word used by the people involved in the process. Essentially, rightsizing is the technical term while downsizing is more common for everyday use.

What is Rightsizing?

Rightsizing, or downsizing, is the process of sorting and simplifying your belongings usually in preparation to move to a community like The Vista.

Companies like Rightsizing for Seniors describe the steps as:

  • Sort and organize belongings
  • Decide what to keep, give to family, sell, donate, or recycle
  • If staying in your home, declutter, increase accessibility, and improve safety
  • Pack items and arrange shipping or delivery to family or charities
  • Sell no-longer-needed items

Decluttering, donating, or purging belongings can be difficult and even painful at times, especially if they’re associated with friends or family members. Finding experts who can guide you through this process with empathy and give you goals will make rightsizing easier and purposeful.

What are the Benefits of Rightsizing?

These steps may seem like work, but with the right downsizing helpers and a clear goal, you’ll find that it’s worth the transition. Three main benefits of rightsizing include:

  1. Decluttering unused or unnecessary belongings can reduce stress in your life. You may not realize it, but to upkeep or store of items that you no longer need or use can be weighing you down.
  2. Discarding things that you don’t enjoy can change your lifestyle. As Marie Kondo puts it, “Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest. By doing this, you can reset your life and embark on a new lifestyle.”
  3. Donating items can help people who are in need. Downsizing can be more than just about simplifying for a move. By donating useful things to thrift stores or nonprofits, you can benefit people who may not be able to afford them otherwise.

Tips for Getting Started on Rightsizing

When you start this exciting transition, it’s helpful to keep a few things in mind:

  • Be realistic about how much cooking, entertaining, or exercising you’ll be doing in your new place. For example, do you still need a crockpot? A treadmill? Be sure to keep in mind the space you’ll have and what you’ll want to spend your time doing.
  • It’s okay if your kids don’t want your belongings. Younger generations tend to sway towards minimalism, so don’t be offended if they’re not fighting over your items.
  • Start small. Instead of purging everything at once, maybe start by sorting your things and then making piles by category before getting rid of anything.

From cultural art centers, fine-dining, fitness centers, and libraries to social activities and spas, senior living communities can be the perfect spot to relocate after downsizing. They provide a safe, entertaining, and social environment to retire. Learn more about senior living communities in New Jersey by contacting The Vista today!

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